As the new millennium opens up undreamed of exciting marvels in technology, humanity leaps forward to reach moon & mars. Unfortunately, their ailments, disorders, disabilities, & diseases also leap forward with multiple intensity. The modern medicine is in the crossroads today unable to answer diverse range of human ailments, while the world is entering the new millennium with a rapidly changing social-economic system. Through out the world at this juncture, men & women are turning towards alternative systems of medicine, in search of answers to their sufferings.

Our Pharmacy steps in here to fill in the void, to cure the incurable through “Unani Herbalism” – an unique system of medicine, recognized worldwide. There are numerous doctors, physician, practitioners & healers to treat every common ailment.
Sex entertainments are there but sex ailments & their cures are not touched upon much.
Herbal Cures with the social consciousness & human consideration to give awareness & assistance in curing the potent sexual disorders & disease- thus pave the way for a meaningful life of health & happiness. Using herbs in the treatment of diseases & rejuvenate body systems dated back to the earliest periods of known human history. Even herbs & plants are credited with mystical & super natural powers of healing & revitalizing body systems. Our unique treatments are based & backed by eminent Hakeems with traditional knowledge, hundreds of years long hereditary expertise and ceaseless effort of research.
According to our researchers today unani system identified nearly 35000 herbs & plants from which evolved many successful remedies.
Our founder an outstanding unani physician & researcher championed the cause of unani herbalism in the northern parts of rural India and brought the benefit of unani from the courts of Sultans, Nawabs & kings to the doorstep of common men to retrieve the masses from sufferings. This tradition & hereditary knowledge & expertise is the backbone of ‘Hashmi Herbal Cures’ herbal alternative sex clinic.
“Discover Herbal Remedies, and Natural Cures”
Warm Welcome to Our Site, one of the best online resources for finding free home remedies from around the world. Natural cures, home remedies, and herbal remedies, are growing in popularity as more and more people discover the magical benefits of these forms of alternative medicine. Our Pharmacy products are based on advance research. all products are herbal , and does not have any side effects. Ingredients of each product are based on natural compound.
According to our researcher a prominent, Unani physician and researcher that ‘Unani’ stand apart from other alternative medical systems, because of its enlargement, way of approach and the well-developed treatment methods. Today the whole world recognized Unani as a unique system of medicine. The Unani system of medicine owes as its name suggests its origin to Greecen It was the great Greek philosopher-physician Hippocrates (460-377 B.C) who freed medicine from the realm of superstition and magic, and gave it the status of science. The theoretical framework of Unani medicine is based on the teachings of Hippocrates. After Hippocrates a number of other Greek scholars enriched the system considerably of them, Galen (131-210 A.D) stands out as the one who stabilized its foundation, on which Arab physician like Rhazes (850-925) and Aviceena (980-1037) constructed an imposing edifice. Thus Unani traveled from Greece, to Egypt, then to Spain from where it reached Baghdad. From Baghdad it came to Iran where it made tremendous progress and produced great physicians.
If you have any inquiry or question,feel free to contact us on below given information.
Unani medicine got enriched by imbibing what was best in the contemporary systems of traditional medicine in Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Persia, India, China and other Middle East and Far East countries. It also benefited from the native medical system in practice at time in various parts of central Asia. That is why this system is known, in different parts of the world, with different names such as Greco-Arab medicine, Iranian medicine, Arab medicine, Islamic medicine, traditional medicine, oriental medicine etc.
In India, unani system of medicines has introduced by the Arabs, and soon it took firm roots in the soil. When Mongols ravaged Persian and central Asian cities like Shiraz, Tabrez and Geelan, scholars and physicians of unani medicine fled to India. The Delhi sultans, the Khiljis, the Tughlaqs and the Mughal emperors provided state patronage to the scholars and even enrolled some as state employees and court physicians. During 13th and 17th centuries unani medicine had its hey-day in India. Among those who made valuable contributions to this system in the period were, to name only a few, Abubakar Bin Ali, Usman kashni, Sadruddin Damash Qui, Bahwa Bin Khwas khan, Ali Geelani, Akbar Azazani and Mohammed Hashim alvi khan.
A Disease Free World In The New Millennium Is Our Pledge And Aim
Unani system is based on the Hippocratic theory that a perfect balance of “Arkan” (elements), “Akhlata” (humors) and “Mizaj” (temperaments) helps the body and mind healthy.