Author: admin

Masturbation is a process where a person derives sexual pleasure by stroking his genitals by his hands. It is usually performed by singletons but married person also perform this activity highly to reach orgasm level. Indeed Masturbation is considered as healthy by physicians which helps in ejaculation that is necessary for body functioning. But the problem occurs with over masturbation. When one over masturbates the excess ejaculation can result into over production of sex hormones and neuro-transmitters such as acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin. This in turns directly affects your brain and chemical changes in body make your body and brain…

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Sexuality is an integral part of the personality of everyone: man, woman and child; it is a basic need and aspect of being human that cannot be separated from other aspects life. In many ways sexuality is the force that empowers us to express and display strong, emotional feelings for another person and is a natural stimulus for the procreation of our species. The ‘thing’ that attracts one person to another may not always be sexual – it could be sense of humor, personality, ‘likeability’, compatibility, or intelligence. Human male sexuality covers physiological, psychological, social, cultural, and political aspects of…

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About Female Health Leucorrhoea Sexuality Breast Problems Vaginal Irritation Yeast Infection Leucorrhoea Leucorrhea is simply defined as a whitish discharge from the female vaginal tract. The discharge could be a smooth flow, or it could be sticky and lumpy. In most women, the nature of the discharge changes as their age advances or if they travel a lot. Vaginal discharge is quite a normal and healthy phenomenon in females to an extent. The discharge is actually a fluid form of all the worn out and dead cells in the vaginal tract, along with other toxic materials that are eliminated continuously…

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Erectile dysfunction or impotence as it was previously known, is defined as the consistent inability to achieve and maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual activity. A penile erection is the hydraulic effect of blood entering and being retained in sponge-like bodies within the penis. The process is often initiated as a result of sexual arousal, when signals are transmitted from the brain to nerves in the penis. Erectile dysfunction is indicated when an erection is difficult to produce. Treatment of Erectile dysfunction Herbal Supplement Hard rock capsule helps to overcome erectile dysfunction issues, small size erections or weak erections…

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Obesity is the term that is used to describe a person who is very much overweight although some people tend to use this term a little more loosely than it was intended by using it to describe anyone who is overweight. The actual correct usage of obesity is used to describe a person who is one hundred pounds or more over what is considered to be a healthy weight for that person. Obesity is not a disease in itself but it is at the roots of many diseases like- high blood pressure, Heart trouble, diabetes, kidney trouble, gout and joint…

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Azoospermia (The absence of sperm) – Azoospermia is the complete absence of sperm in the semen and as such means that a man will be completely infertile. The diagnosis of azoospermia is sometimes still made even though as many as 500,000 sperm per ml of semen may have been seen because it is extrremely unlikely that the man will be able to father a child naturally. In fact it is rare that a man has absolutely no sperm at all and as long as some sperm are produced it is possible nowadays to help couples through a procedure called ICSI.…

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Acidity refers to the excess secretion of acid by the gastric glands of the stomach. The stomach secrets hydrochloric acid that is responsible for proper functioning of the digestive system. A normal level of acid is required in the stomach for proper digestion of the complex foods. When there is less secretion of acid the food is not digested properly and in case of excess secretion it gives rise to a condition known as acidity. Acikill Capsule helps in digestion by exerting carminative, antispasmodic, anti-flatulent and antacid actions. Acikill Herbal Capsule is a natural digestive stimulant, which increases the digestibility…

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Sex can be define One of the two classification of living organisms that distinguish male and female Activities associated with sexual intercourse Sex is any activity (snuggle, nuzzle, kiss, massage, spoon, etc.) Human beings are “social animals”, and their habits, desires, hopes, fears, and beliefs are shaped by the various societies into which they are born. This is also true of their sexual attitudes and behaviors. People are born with a certain potential for sexual expression, but this potential can be realized in a great variety of ways. Indeed, in sexually repressive societies it may well remain partially or completely…

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As the new millennium opens up undreamed of exciting marvels in technology, humanity leaps forward to reach moon & mars. Unfortunately, their ailments, disorders, disabilities, & diseases also leap forward with multiple intensity. The modern medicine is in the crossroads today unable to answer diverse range of human ailments, while the world is entering the new millennium with a rapidly changing social-economic system. Through out the world at this juncture, men & women are turning towards alternative systems of medicine, in search of answers to their sufferings. Our Pharmacy steps in here to fill in the void, to cure the…

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Herbs plays a significant role, especially in modern times, as living has started taking its heavy toll. Constant stress, insatiable desires,over reaching ambitions, sophisticated artificial life style, mad race to be on the top , extreme atmospheric pollution, damaging effects of food processing and over medication have assumed alarming proportions in producing more & more “Mental & physical” ailments, that leads to sexual disorders/ disharmony among men & women.Every second person is suffering from one problem or other. Humanity now turns towards natural medicines to cure their ailments of artificial life styles. Like in Unani medicine, herbs are used in…

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